Payment methods for your invoice

Information about our different payment methods and options for you to pay your invoices.

Auto payment with credit card

Automatic invoice payment is a convenient way to pay your invoices. You activate the service and register your card easily and securely on Mitt Konto (My Account) at or in the Comviq-app. The payment is then done automatically every month.

Credit card

On Mitt Konto and in the Comviq-app, you can easily pay your invoice with a credit card. We receive your payment immediately, unlike Plusgiro which can take 2-3 days. If you happen to be late with an invoice, payment via Mitt Konto is recommended. We receive the payment the same day and in this way, you can avoid reminder fees (SEK 60).

Remember that you need to actively go in and pay the invoice every month. If you want the invoice to be paid automatically, activate Auto payment through Mitt Konto or the app.


You can also pay your invoice via Swish, on My Account (Mitt Konto) and in the Comviq-app.


PlusGiro payments are done via your bank. The info you need are found on the invoice. Keep in mind that it can take 2-3 days from when you registered your payment until we receive it.


You order E-invoice via your internet bank. The invoice comes in a digital form directly to your bank account and the only thing you need to do is check and approve the payment.

Direct debit

At the moment we do not offer payment via direct debit, but you can conveniently pay your invoice via auto payment.

Karim sitter tillbakalutad i en stol utanför kiosken och kollar nöjt på sin mobil.

Håll koll på din surf

Inne på Mitt Konto kan du enkelt se hur mycket du har surfat och vad du har kvar.

Frequently asked questions

All our subscriptions include unlimited calls, SMS and MMS. Choose how much surf you need. You can save as much surfing as is included in the subscription.
(includes 30 GB, you can save an extra 30 GB and have a total of 60 GB). Some subscriptions include international minutes and surfing in the 5G network. See all the details here. Save the surf included
not in Mobile subscription 4 GB.

All our subscriptions include unlimited calls, SMS and MMS. Choose how much surf you need. You can save as much surfing as is included in the subscription.
(includes 30 GB, you can save an extra 30 GB and have a total of 60 GB). Some subscriptions include international minutes and surfing in the 5G network. See all the details here. Save the surf included
not in Mobile subscription 4 GB.

Om du har ett abonnemang som tillåter dig att ringa utomlands betalar du inget extra utöver din vanliga månadskostnad om du ringer inom EU/EES.

Om du befinner dig utomlands i övriga världen ringer du till en rörlig kostnad som läggs på din faktura i efterhand. Välj land ovanför på den här sidan för att se priser. Du kan också välja att köpa ett utlandspaket där utlandssamtal ingår. Har du abonnemanget GO behöver du ha +Saldo.

Om du har något av våra största abonnemang eller kontantkort så ingår fria samtalsminuter till utlandet. Läs mer här.

Med Resesurf surfar du till ett dagligt fast pris. Varje dag (kl 00:00 svensk tid) får du 1GB surf. Detta för endast 79 kr per dag.

All our subscriptions include unlimited calls, SMS and MMS. Choose how much surf you need. You can save as much surfing as is included in the subscription.
(includes 30 GB, you can save an extra 30 GB and have a total of 60 GB). Some subscriptions include international minutes and surfing in the 5G network. See all the details here. Save the surf included
not in Mobile subscription 4 GB.

All our subscriptions include unlimited calls, SMS and MMS. Choose how much surf you need. You can save as much surfing as is included in the subscription.
(includes 30 GB, you can save an extra 30 GB and have a total of 60 GB). Some subscriptions include international minutes and surfing in the 5G network. See all the details here. Save the surf included
not in Mobile subscription 4 GB.

Logga in på Mitt Konto

  • Betala dina fakturor
  • Se din surfförbrukning
  • Gör inställningar, beställ nytt SIM och mer